Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Another day, another excellent pose from Lily.

We had an unexpected third kid with us today, so we decided to make a trip to the zoo in Syracuse. The kids had a blast. Wolfgang was feeling inexplicably proprietary about the lions. Every time Greta would get near the glass, he would throw his hands out and yell "no, No, NO!" - maybe he was protecting her? He looks as confused as I was.

Greta was a big fan of the elephant. It was getting a bath.

- Mom, what's that?
-Those are bison, Lily. There used to be lots of them, but now there aren't that many left.
-Why did they die?
-People killed them.
-They taste good.
-They ate them?
-When are we going to eat that one?

And that's when the families around us fled. Lily should probably stick to her Dippin' Dots.

Penguins! Wolfie and Lily loved the penguins. They scared the bejeezus out of Greta. Which is strange, since she wanted to pet the tiger and the lion.


Anonymous said...

Looks like a great day at the zoo. It also looks like a very nice zoo. That is one thing we do not have around here - a decent zoo. Seattle is the nearest.

I have never tried a Bison buger Lily, but like you I would like to!

The look on Wolfies face by the lion is priceless!


Anonymous said...

Great work.