Poor Erich, when you turn 34, your birthday is no longer just about you. We had a really busy day, and very little of it was devoted to Erich. I got up before dawn and drove out to Meadowsweet to bottle and deliver milk. As soon as I got home, Erich left and bought a tiller (I think he's just trying to keep me from getting a pig) from some guy on craigslist. Then he grabbed the kids and went to buy a motor from some other guy on craigslist. Apparently, that guy has a really great backyard full of old amusement park toys. Then, they went to an alpaca farm and petted alpacas. After that, they went and (Lily) picked out a birthday cake for daddy. Sadly, they didn't have the camera, because I had it at the sewing class I was teaching.

Fun! Lily came and helped for the last half hour. She can't wait for her spoked wheel to come so that she has her own sewing machine and can learn to make things for her duck.
After class was over, we all went to the Apple Harvest Festival, which deserves a post of its own.
1 comment:
Sounds like a fantastic day anyway! Thanks for visiting me; I'll have to take a look around here.
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