Due to some, uh, technical problems, Lucy, Chaw, and Greta met us in Niagara Falls. Greta says "water LOADING"

Lily watching from the top of the falls. It was COLD. Seriously. Apparently we were there, on the American side (which is a little sad anyway) on the last day of the season. Pretty well everything was closed. I left everyone and drove to Forestville, an hour west of Buffalo, in pursuit of 250 pounds of frozen berries for the CSA. While I was gone, it was hailing, sleeting, and altogether unpleasant. They spent to day at the Niagara Falls visitor center, playing arcade games. Which may or may not have been better than driving to Forestville in that weather (it was an exciting drive. The top of the semi in front of me sheared off on an overpass). But we got the berries and made it home in only 7 hours! (it should take 3). In other words, we owe them a LOT of free babysitting. Or something.